Visiting Team Information

Directions & Parking  (click here for directions via Google Maps)

  • Address: Urbanna Swim Club is located at 8030 Urbanna Road in Manassas, VA 20109. The club is directly across from Westgate Elementary School on the right hand side of Urbanna Road.  Please use your favorite mapping tool to determine the best route for travel from your home.  Our gates will open at 6:05 a.m.
  • Parking: There is a parking lot at the pool which has handicapped parking; please notify us if you need additional parking accommodations.  Once the pool lot fills up, additional parking can be found at the school across the street.  If parking on the street, please respect the owner’s driveways.

Warm-ups & Meet Time Line







Visiting Team







  • Shifts
    • Urbanna uses the following shift schedule for Timers and Recorders as well as administrative officials. If the visiting team uses a different schedule, please notify the meet announcer. 

Volunteer Shifts (does not include Officials)




Shift 1



Shift 2


End of meet


  • Timers and Recorders
    • Head Timer: One per team – Check in with announcer. 
    • Lane Timers: We need two timers from the Visiting Team for each of lanes 1, 3, and 5.  We need one timer from the Visiting Team for each of lanes 2 and 4.
    • Recorders: We need one recorder from the Visiting Team for each of lanes 2 and 4.
    • The Timer and Recorder Meeting will be held at 6:45am on the pool deck near the baby pool.
    • First shift timers should come with watches, prepared to move directly to the starting end of the pool for the start of the meet at 7:00am.
  • Officials
    • The visiting team is asked to provide 3 to 5 Stroke and Turn Officials, 1 Referee and 1 Starter.
    • Specific assignments will be determined in the Official’s meeting at 6:25 in the Club House.
    • Coaches should bring any concerns on times, scores, DQ’s to the Head Referee.
    • Urbanna’s Pool is 25 meters long and our back stroke flags are at 15’7” ( 5 meters is 16’5”)
    • Urbanna does NOT plan to use fly-over or dive-over starts at this meet.
  • Administrative Officials
    • The volunteer coordinator is available throughout the meet for questions and concerns. Please see the announcer and he can direct you to the right person.  The positions below should check in with the volunteer coordinator from Urbanna or Visiting team prior to the start of the meet.
    • Runners: Each team will provide 1 runner per shift throughout the meet.
    • Clerk of Course: The visiting team should provide 2 volunteers per shift to assist in organizing heats, identifying swimmers and moving heats to the starting line.
    • Scoring Volunteers: The visiting team will provide two volunteers to assist in scoring throughout the meet. A minimum of 1 person per team will be available at all times until the meet is finalized.
    • Computer: The visiting team should provide 1 person to assist with data entry and printing throughout the meet. 
    • Ribbons: Each team is responsible for providing 2 ribbon volunteers.

Meet Equipment

  • Equipment
    • Bring stopwatches for your timer’s use during the meet.
    • Bring your starting system as a back-up.
    • Bring Computer and Printer as back up.
    • Bring Ribbon Container and entry card sorter.

Visiting Team Personnel & Equipment Summary



1 Head Timer

1 Runner

Stopwatches for visiting timers

8 Timers

2 Clerk of Course

Starting System (for backup)

2 Recorders

2 Scorers

Computer & Printer (for backup)

3-5 Stroke & Turn Officials

1 Computer Support

Ribbon Container

1 Referee

2 Ribbons

Entry Card Sorter

1 Starter



  • Team Area: Visiting teams may set up in the grassy area inside the Club adjacent to the volleyball court, and around by the deep end of the pool.  Urbanna sets up in the grass inside the club in front of the basketball courts. 
  • Visiting Coach Area: Visiting team coaches have benches in front of the visiting team area and on the side of the pool. 
  • Clerk of Course: is located in a sheltered area on deck to the right of the baby pool.  
  • Scoring & Ribbons: are located under the pavilion behind the pump house near the shallow end of the pool.
  • Computer: inside the clubhouse
  • Announcer: is located at entrance to pool at the guard desk.

Other Meet Support and Information:

  • Please gather all belongings and pick up all trash before leaving. In the event of rain, soggy grounds set up occurs in the parking lot.  The visiting team will be notified by an Urbanna Official. 
  • The announcer will call each event twice.  Swimmers should report at first call.  A “last call” will be made. Swimmers arriving after the event has been seeded may not be able to swim.  Please advise your coaches and parents to listen for announcements for event reporting.
  • As a private club, we have strict time constraints on turning the pool over to the membership, we cannot hold up progression of the meet to locate swimmers who fail to report.  
  • Per directives of the PWSL, swimmers will not be allowed to compete in PWSL meets if they have body paint, hair paint, and/or sharpie ink on their body beyond event information. The child will be given the opportunity to remove the paint.
  • Urbanna requests that all swimmers keep their electronic devices secure in their belongings in their team area.
  • No cell phones are ever permitted in the bathrooms.
  • As per PWSL by-laws, no pictures may be taken at the start from the starting end of the pool. Additionally, “meet officials, including timers, recorders, judges, starters, and referees, should not be using any device capable of photography or recording while on shift.  Meet officials should ask for relief if a phone must be used, and use that device from the sides of the pool.”
  • Bad Weather: Club phone: 703-361-3233. Check for any changes, delays or cancellations for the meet.

Any other questions email [email protected]